Okay, since you’ve already got a Furid wallet, the chances are that you identify with the values of minimalism, good organization, and quality life.

 In order to fully maximize the potential of your Furid wallet, one of the best things you can do is take a little time at the start to properly organize it, so that the contents of the wallet are as easily accessible as possible. To that end, here are a few tips that may help you get started.


Where Does The Cash Go?

As you’ll see when you hold the wallet up, one side of the wallet has the clean and spacious surface, and there is a money clip on it. A big wad of cash will easily fold up into this space, separate from everything else. As far as organization goes, it’s advisable to keep your 20s, 10s, 5s, 1s, and so on together.


What About The Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Driver’s License, Loyalty Cards And So On?

You probably have between 5-10 plastic cards that you keep in your wallet at all times, whether those are credit cards, debit cards, your driver’s license, or other cards you have. When it comes to placing them in your Furid wallet, you obviously want to put them all together—but you also want the ease of access, so please organize them first according to which ones you use the most.


The best trick for doing this is to put the card which you use the most on the top or the bottom.

The second trick  is to separate Loyalty Cards from your credit cards, debit cards, ID cards. Instead of letting them intersect between your important cards, causing confusion.

Putting the non-commonly used card in the middle, because you only use these cards when you’re at a specific store or restaurant, it’s less important to be able to get them quickly. Similarly, these loyalty cards can also be arranged according to frequency of use, and facing the same direction.


How to use Furid Walet, easily take out the card?

Facing you on the front, the back (cash side) facing the other side, the corner of the groove is on the top left, and your left index finger can easily press the groove to launch the card. Your right hand can slide the card and take out the one you want.


Some people prefer the reverse method, wherein they keep their most-used cards at the back, instead of the front. Try both of these methods, and see what works for you!


Happy good organization!